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Working with me


I'm Cassandra/Cass aka the rebel mama. My pronouns are she/her.

Let me tell you about me...

Firstly, I am a mum/mama of 5 beautiful humans and step mum of 2 more! For that, I feel incredibly blessed. Two of my sons have left the nest and gone off to university which means the nest is a lot quieter these days and I often find myself missing the chaos.

I enjoy spending time outdoors, mainly at the woods or by the sea and have recently taken up foraging as a hobby. I am a huge geek, I love dinosaurs, Pokémon and Star Wars. I am always changing my hair colour and I am a huge tattoo fan!!

I enjoy using crystals and have completed a crystal healing course. 

I am also an avid reader and I love horror films.

On a rainy day I can be found either building Lego with my partner, reading, or baking with the children.

I became absolutely fascinated with pregnancy, birth and parenting when I was pregnant with my first child. I was a teenage parent and desperate to prove myself, I read every pregnancy book in the library, every website I could find and attended every appointment with a huge list of questions. I was well informed. 

It was a difficult pregnancy and when birth came around I was able to advocate myself, and boy did I need to! Maybe I found it easy to advocate for myself because I was a feisty young woman that was very well informed - I don't know entirely, but I know that my son's birth would have looked very different if I didn't speak up for myself. I continued to advocate for myself during my further four pregnancies and births and I am a firm believer that informed choice and advocacy aided my positive birth experiences. 


My passion for the perinatal world has never waivered. I love to talk about pregnancy and birth and the 4th trimester and feeding and parenting... and the list goes on!! 


As for the way I work - I am inclusive, respectful and non-judgmental. Three qualities I think are of vital importance in the perinatal world. I believe every person becoming a parent deserves a positive and informed journey, no matter how or where they want to birth their baby. 


So now you know who I am. Could I be a good fit for you?  I offer a free discovery call so we can make sure I'm the right person for you and to meet before any services are finalised. . I think it's important we get along and are a good fit. You can request a free discovery call



Qualifications and experience

I have a CertHE in perinatal education and practice, which I completed through the University of Worcester and the NCT. 


With the NCT's parents in mind service, I completed an OCN level 2 qualification in perinatal mental health peer support.


I hold a NCFE level 2 qualification in mental health first aid and mental health in the workplace.


My doula training was through Red Tent Doulas.


I have completed The Queer Birth Company LGBTQ+ competency in Birth workshop, through The Queer Birth Club.


I have also completed a training workshop with Maternal Journal.



As well as the qualifications listed, I also have experience working in the NHS, working as a maternity support worker on a labour ward.






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